LOWONGAN KERJA AGUSTUS SEPTEMBER 2009 TERBARU SURABAYA ADMINISTRASI SALES ENGINEERJob at PT. NSP. Our company engaged in the field of distribution Spare Part Industry, Automation Equipment.
Job with the position:
1. Sales Engineer (SE)
2. Technical Support (TS)
3. Administration Staff (AS)
Location of work: Surabaya
1. Sales Engineer (SE)
Male / Female, age max 30 years.
Minimal graduates from D3 / S1 major techniques.
2. Technical Support (TS)
Male, age max 30 years.
Minimal graduates from SMK / D3 / S1 major techniques.
3. Administration Staff (AS)
Female, age max 30 years.
Minimal graduates from D3 / S1 all the majors.
Please send letter of application with full CV to:
Tirta Raya I / 8 Graha Tirta - Waru - Surabaya
or email: bambang_kris@norgantara.com
Include in the letter of application, you know the information on this vacancy and how the source (from what website or newspaper or what the other).
Job was closed on 4 September 2009